Three New Genesee County Road Projects Begin Monday
Three new Genesee County road projects begin Monday. They will probably slow you down, and yes, they will be a pain, but we complain when the roads aren't fixed so we have to deal.
Seymour Road: If you drive down Seymour Road between Cook and Baldwin you have noticed construction signs for a while now. The project to repair and widen Seymour Road begins Monday. This area won't be completely closed but will be down to one lane while flaggers handle traffic. This project should be wrapped up by July 31st.
Hill and Belsay Roads: This round-a-bout project was supposed to begin last month, but was delayed. Monday is the new day. During the construction, this intersection will be completely closed. You will be able to get to Rite-aid and homes in the area, but there will be a detour that includes Perry, Irish, Bristol, and Center Roads. According to ABC12, the Grand Blanc Township Police Department says that cutting through the Rite-Aid parking lot is illegal and if you do so you will get a ticket. This should be wrapped up in late July if the weather cooperates.
Bristol Road - Thread Creek Bridge: This was under construction last year. Thread Creek is just to the East of the radio station on Bristol Road. This project is the shortest of the three, it should be wrapped up on Friday. During the construction, only one lane in each direction will be open. Last year they redid the bridge over Thread Creek, and this time they are finishing up some sealing on the deck.
Yes, these slowdowns and detours can be a pain, but they will be so nice once they are finished!