I still find this hard to believe. It may soon be possible that women in the armed forces could be moved into roles of combat, even on the front lines of a battle.The Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta is expected to make that announcement today.
I do believe the study. A glimpse at the magazine rack in any supermarket checkout line will tell you that women are frequently the focus of sexual objectification. In other words the focus is on a woman's sexual body parts.
New research finds that the brain actually processes images of women differently than those of men, contributing to this trend.
Gotta love research. I'm sure some of you have figured out the results already. But if the fairer sex wants to use their extra smarts to take over the world they’re probably going to have to get off the couch first.
So who does research say is lazier?
Amidst all the new studies that are revealed each week, there is another that has found that women are lazier than men.
Is it possible that women are saving up their energy for when they get into the car?
The use of alcohol has stretched the girth of many men all around the world, but a new study suggests that for women, a little extra booze might be beneficial.
Pour yourself a cold one ladies, cause here comes the science!
Laylan is a 20-year-old Iraqi native who’s also the star player of an all-female basketball team she started. That fact alone may not seem like much to a lot of us in America, but to the people of the country who are still suffering through gender inequality, it’s a huge deal.
I've had a beard since I was released from the service in 1971. I did shave it off for one brief period, but during that period I passed my mother in the grocery store and she didn't recognize me until I spoke.
After that I grew it back and never shaved it off again. Now they tell me that women don't like beards. So says a recent study that contradicts other recent studies about facial hair.
It’s a monologue, it’s a blog … it’s a monoblog!
Two good jokes and one bad one – you decide which is which.
Wendy’s is running ads saying it’s never used the so-called “pink slime” beef filler. I guess that’s nice to know, but isn’t that kinda like saying, “Eat at Wendy’s, we’re slightly less gross than the competition”
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