‘Road Rage’ Most Likely For a Woman
Amidst all the new studies that are revealed each week, there is another that has found that women are lazier than men.
Is it possible that women are saving up their energy for when they get into the car?
This is not a sexist viewpoint, it comes from a recent study. In the car, we're finding that when it comes to road rage, women have more than their fair share. And women commuters are the most likely to lose their tempers behind the wheel — even if their drive to work is short.
A new CareerBuilder study says 61 percent of women admit to experiencing road rage, compared to 56 percent of men. More than 50% of commuters say they’ve experienced it, too.
In a breakdown of demographics, workers 55 and older were the least likely to get angry while driving, while younger workers between 25 and 34 were the most likely. Long drives and running late were the leading causes of road rage, but more than a third of people with commutes of less than five minutes said they aren’t immune, either.
My experience with road rage doesn't match the statistics because most of my road rage experience comes from men, but I'll be more conscious next time about the gender of the occupant.