Six Baby Goats Were Stolen from a Michigan Petting Farm
This is baaaaaaaaaaaaad.
The owners of the MOO-ville Creamery in Nashville, Michigan on M-66 are hoping that the community can help them find six of their missing kids. Kids as in, baby goats.
Lindsey Westendorp went outside to feed the baby goats on Monday morning when she found that six of the eight kids were missing. Both of her kids, ages 2 and 7, have helped to care for and raise the goats, and they're devastated.
Pepsi and Peanut are two of the goats that are missing; her son was going to use them for 4-H. Nibbles, Fluffy, and Taco are also missing. All of the missing kids are less than 2-months-old and require frequent bottle feeding.
There is a security camera video showing somebody in an off-limits area; the video has been handed over to the Sheriff's office, who are currently investigating the case.
The owner is concerned, not just for the return of the goats, but for their health while they're away from the creamery. They're so young that they require constant feedings; some of them even have special needs.
I have so many questions - how did they get the goats out of there without waking up the dead? Goats are LOUD. Baby goats can be even LOUDER. Second, what are you going to do with them? I mean, I want a baby goat as a pet, too, but I'm not going to steal somebody else's.
So, if your neighbor has six baby goats in their yard this morning when they didn't have any the day before, ask questions.

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