East Lansing Native and Emmy Winner Timothy Busfield in Town This Sunday
Longtime actor, East Lansing native, Emmy winner and all around baseball fan, Timothy Busfield is coming home this Sunday! Timothy will be the keynote speaker at the 17th Annual First Pitch Dinner for the MSU Baseball Team this Sunday at noon at the Kellogg Center.
Tim has been in many movies and TV Shows that you've seen. I had the opportunity to interview him this week ahead of his speaking engagement at MSU and he did not disappoint. When speaking with Mr. Busfield I picked up on the vibe that although EL isn't home anymore, he hasn't forgotten where he came from.
That makes for a good interview when you can talk about local things and dive into some of his childhood stories. It was a blast talking with Tim, and for the record, I asked him where his "go to burger joint" is in East Lansing, without hesitation he responded, "cmon man, I'm going to Dag's for an olive burger". I concur, good choice.
What I didn't know about Tim Busfield was his love for baseball. Tim Busfield still plays the game and even played some semi pro ball the past couple of decades. It's only a natural fit that Tim Busfield be the keynote speaker at the First Pitch Dinner.
Here's the details about the First Pitch Dinner.
After I spoke with him I was reminded of how many diffrerent productions he's been in. WOW.
Field of Dreams
Timothy Busfield at Poindexter in Revenge of the Nerds
West Wing
Mr. Busfield is Now Happily Married to Melissa Gilbert, Laura Ingalls Wilder
Come out and meet the team, hear what Timothy Busfield has to say, I'm certain it will be amazing.
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