Rollhaven Skating Center Suing Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
I don't know the exact number of years that Rollhaven Skating Center in Grand Blanc Township has been open, but for arguments sake - let's say forever. I skated there as a child, and was there for an adult skating party two years ago.
As you can imagine, business has suffered at the popular skating rink due to the coronavirus pandemic. Rollahaven has now joined a lawsuit against Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and other state health officials. According to ABC 12, they are suing over being ordered to close during the pandemic. Rollhaven and 5 other plaintiffs, are seeking compensation for the money they have lost after being forced to close.

I understand losing money, but I am clearly no lawyer. I do not know how long a case like this takes to even make it into a courtroom, if it will at all. My heart breaks for so many local business owners that have continued to struggle, and even worse - had to close their doors all together.
I knew things would not be magically better once we hit 2021 - but I sure hoped they would. As for Rollhaven Skating Center, they are open for skating now. From open skate, to home school skate, to adults only skating nights - there is a day and or night for everyone. You can check out their hours, and upcoming promotions here.
Is this a good time to ask if you do think indoor dining will resume here in Michigan on February 1st? Here is to hoping that it does.
MORE: 5 Things I Never Thought I'd Hear Or Say Before COVID-19
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