Blooming' Brands, the parent company for Outback Steakhouse, is set to close 43 of their 1,500 locations.

The Oakland Press is reporting that the Rochester Hills Outback Steakhouse posted a sign on their door recently stating that they are closed, leaving no explanation. According to another report, it was a drop in sales that prompted Blooming' Brands to close 43 of their restaurants. The report also stated that the 43 restaurants to close include Carrabba’s and Bonefish locations. As of now, there has been no concern of the Flint Outback Steakhouse closing.

Changes in Americans’ dining habits are hurting the industry, as more people are opting for fast-casual, staying home or ordering takeout and delivery, this is believed to be the reasoning behind the under preforming stores. Blooming' Brands has a reported loss of $4.3 from late last year.

Are the changes in the way we dine going to cause more chain closures?


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