The first significant snowfall of the year for those of us in Michigan came during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. If you ask me is one of the worst times that our first snowfall could come as there are so many people traveling in, out, and through the state that it can be dangerous. Nonetheless, none of us have control over that so that's what we were stuck dealing with this weekend.

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Just like any other year, there are some regions and cities that get much worse snowfall than the others. That was the case once again this weekend as the Lake effect snow continues to rattle the shoreline of Lake Michigan and the Upper Peninsula. Both of these areas received massive amounts of snow and some cities saw record-breaking snowfall levels as well.

The middle and west sides of the State of Michigan didn't see nearly as much snow as the Upper Peninsula and west side of the state did but this is normal as the weather parents cause lake effect snow to build. Lake effect snow is created when the cold snow crosses over the warmer waters of lakes like Lake Michigan and picks up extra moisture.

The good thing for those of us who have to deal with Lake Effect Snow is that it is normally light and fluffy so it doesn't freeze as well and cause more issues for drivers and other travelers. You can't tell that to a city like Gaylord which experienced record levels of snowfall over the Thanksgiving holiday and is feeling like driving on the streets isn't safe.

Below are some of the notable and significant snowfall levels from around the State of Michigan after the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

Snowfall Totals In Michigan Thanksgiving Weekend 2024

Some of the Significant and Notable Snow Fall Levels For The State Of Michigan After The First Snowfall Over Thanksgiving Weekend In 2024.

Gallery Credit: Canva

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