Genesee Valley Mall Employee Caught Helping the Handicapped – The Good News
It doesn't take much to help another person, handicapped or not.
And frankly, it's even better when somebody else catches said moment on camera, and that's exactly what happened at Genesee Valley Center last week.
Facebook user Shane Archambeau posted these pictures to the mall's Facebook page with the following heartwarming caption:
Just witnessed the cleaning lady at the Genesee valley mall help this handicapped person zip up his coat and help him throw his food out I had to take a picture because you don’t see this anymore this makes me happy this is such a kind act of kindness God bless your soul I hope I can get this viral so this lady can get recognized for her kind deed
And if you read the comments, quite a few people that know her chimed in and confirmed that she is, in fact, a sweetheart who helps others all the time. These are our favorite kind of social media posts <3