25 Stores Still Open At Genesee Valley Center In Flint Township25 Stores Still Open At Genesee Valley Center In Flint TownshipExplore the diverse offerings at Genesee Valley Center - from sportswear to gag gifts, there's something for everyone at this Flint Township mall.Maggie MeadowsMaggie Meadows
Michigan is now home to a HUGE slime studioMichigan is now home to a HUGE slime studioMichigan's first-ever Slime Studio JUST opened. Here's details on all the fun that is to be had in the 25,000-foot studio. Kennedy BroadwellKennedy Broadwell
The 25 Most Iconic '80s and '90s Mall Food Court Restaurants The 25 Most Iconic '80s and '90s Mall Food Court Restaurants From pizza at Sbarro and pretzels at Wetzel's to sweet treats at Orange Julius, we're counting down the most iconic 80s and 90s mall food court restaurants. How many do you remember?Meg DowdyMeg Dowdy
Genesee Valley Center Store Closure – What You Need To KnowGenesee Valley Center Store Closure – What You Need To KnowDiscover the latest news on the closure of a Genesee Valley Center store in Flint Township.Maggie MeadowsMaggie Meadows
Genesee Valley Center – Another Store ClosingGenesee Valley Center – Another Store ClosingAnother Genesee Valley Center store in Flint Township will be closing in April 2024.Maggie MeadowsMaggie Meadows
Genesee Valley Center Store Permanently ClosingGenesee Valley Center Store Permanently ClosingA Genesee Valley Center store in Flint Township will be permanently closing.Maggie MeadowsMaggie Meadows
Man Takes Photos in Bathroom at Somerset Mall, Gets Beat Down by VictimMan Takes Photos in Bathroom at Somerset Mall, Gets Beat Down by VictimHe deserved every punch that he took.Tony LaBrieTony LaBrie
President Trump Tweets About Video of Assault in Flint Twp.President Trump Tweets About Video of Assault in Flint Twp.Because if it's a day that ends in "y," there's probably a new tweet from the President.AJAJ
Is Bar Louie at Genesee Valley Center Permanently Closed? Is Bar Louie at Genesee Valley Center Permanently Closed? No confirmation yet, but online evidence would point to YES.AJAJ
Community Threads Location Opening at Genesee Valley CenterCommunity Threads Location Opening at Genesee Valley CenterThis will be the thrift store's second location in Genesee County. AJAJ
Genesee Valley Center Purchased by Owners of Fashion Square MallGenesee Valley Center Purchased by Owners of Fashion Square MallThe sale came as surprise to Flint Township officials.AJAJ
Genesee Valley Center Hosting Student Pop-Up ShopsGenesee Valley Center Hosting Student Pop-Up ShopsIt sounds like a great weekend to go Christmas shopping!AJAJ