Flint Marching Band ‘Stiffed’ on Payment from Last Warrior Dash
Not cool, man. Definitely not cool.
A few weeks back, we brought you the news that the Warrior Dash extreme obstacle course had announced that they are ceasing operations.
Now, we're starting to get more of the story: the Carman-Ainsworth marching band, who had volunteered their time for the local event on July 27th, hasn't been reimbursed.
The band boosters were promised $1,000 in exchange for 7 hours of 31 people volunteering their time. The money was going to be used for equipment, uniforms and set pieces.
Two other local groups have also said that they were not paid for their time.
According to the contact, Red Frog Events was set to pay the groups who volunteered their time on July 29th.