Flint Company Turning Shipping Containers Into Homes – The Good News
This idea came to Detroit a couple of years ago, and now it's made its way to Flint.
C3 Ventures has taken up residence in the old DuPont manufacturing facility on James P. Cole Blvd here in Flint. And right now, they're modifying over a half-dozen shipping containers to become homes.
They say that it's all part of their company motto: clean air, clean soil, clean water. Hence, C3. The shipping containers were, for the most part, only used once, and then discarded. They want to make eco-friendly, affordable housing for people.
The houses cost about $20K, and the only other cost that the resident will be responsible for is water and sewer hookup. They received a $5.7 million grant through the Michigan Business Development Program, and for every Flint resident hired, they get a credit on their loan repayment. So far, they currently employ about 40 people, including 14 residents of Flint.
FLINT. STRONG. Thank you, C3 Ventures.