When Stafford left Detroit, not only did he say goodbye to his Lions team, but he and his wife Kelly also said goodbye to their magnificent Bloomfield Hills home.
Not only is it everything that "up north" Michigan is about, but this historic home is also the largest log cabin in the world with an estimated worth of $40M
It's not always convenient to do a full home security check before we leave our homes. And most of the time, locking the doors is enough security to keep our things and ourselves safe. But, criminals are using a tactic to break into Michigan homes that you might be overlooking and basically inviting them in.
Imagine the Jetsons decorated a home with help from the Flintstones and then just threw in an indoor Koi pond for fun. It's a reality for sale in Sterling Heights.
Last week, we brought you the most expensive house for sale with a Flint address. Now we travel to the other side of the rainbow to see just how far you can stretch $200 in the 810.
Who says you can't have a luxurious home in Flint? Check out the most expensive house currently for sale with a Flint address, which could be yours for just under $500,000.