First World Problems: Prepare for an Eggnog Shortage
Apparently, the United States is facing a "major eggnog shortage" this Christmas. Yes, enough people drink it that there's a shortage.
I can't believe it, either.
I like eggnog, but not enough to drink a LOT of it. And I know more people who hate it than like it. But apparently, suppliers say that eggnog consumption has gone up by 60% in the past year, when it usually only goes up 5%. So, needless to say, they haven't made enough to meet the demand.
Ronnybrook Farm Dairy of Pine Plains, N.Y and Organic Valley are both experiencing shortages. They started selling the product in late November and are already experiencing more demand than they can handle.
I find it hard to believe that you won't be able to find some eggnog at the store before your holiday celebrations because, frankly, most people think it's gross. I might have ONE GLASS. With some booze in it.
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