You would think the top app in Apple's App Store would be Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat. Nope. It's the anonymous commenting app Sarahah, and the City of Flint is getting in on the action.

The official App Store description of the app is that "Sarahah helps you in discovering your strengths and areas for improvement by receiving honest feedback from your employees and your friends in a private manner."

Basically, you can say anything you want to your friends, family, or coworkers that have downloaded the app without them knowing it came from you. I personally can't imagine this app will stick around all that long, I think with the amount of cyber bullying there is in the world now, adding the anonymity of this app it is a recipe for disaster.

All of that being said, this app could also be a great way to get some things off your chest or proclaim your love... especially for our City of Flint, Michigan. Yes, there is a Sarahah created for the City of Flint, so you can anonymously share your feelings, thoughts, criticism, praise, suggestions, etc. If city officials did actually create this, we can't imagine the page will stay live for very long. To say people have a lot of issues with our city right now would be putting it mildly.

Click here or on the image below to share your comments about the City of Flint.

I can only imagine the range of responses with this one is amazing.


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