Talk about a blast from the past.  In an effort to increase tourism in Flint in the 1980s, the promotional video above was released.

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Fast forward to 2022 - I wonder what you think should be included If the city of Flint were to make another promotional and or tourist video? As you will see in the classic video above, the Hyatt Regency Hotel would not be a part of a 2022 video, but there are plenty of places that should be.

Off the top of my head, here are a few spots and or destinations in Flint that come to my mind,

Think heritage restaurants, stores, bars, and more. With your suggestions, I would like to compile a list of places, events, (and maybe things) that make Flint a great place to visit. There are many.

The city may not be making a current Flint promotional video, but we can damn sure make a list of our own. I think this is going to be awesome, and it may even encourage some of us locals to check out some spots we have not yet been to.

Feel free to email me with your suggestions, or via Facebook. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Flint has a lot to offer, let's let the world know.

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