Workday 108 Trivia, Week of March 4, 2019
According to a survey of adults, about 40% of us don't know where this important document is. What is it?
Car manual. Congratulations to today's winner, Lisa Bowman from Fostoria.
According to a survey of women, 7% say their partners annoy them because they do this too much at home. What is it?
Open the refrigerator. Congratulations to today's winner, Debbie Williamson from Flint.
According to a survey of women, 12% say they have ended a date early because the guy does this too much. What?
Swears. Congratulations to today's winner, Caryn Shaw from Flushing
This item does not work in about 25% of homes in the US. What is it?
The doorbell. Congratulations to today's winner, Wendy Tate from Davison.
Experts say 26% of us do this right after making a major purchase. What is it?
We post about it on social media. Congrats to today's winner, Jeremy Smith from Flushing.