Workday 108 Trivia for the Week of October 17, 2022
The average person spends nearly three hours a week doing THIS. What is THIS?
Complaining about their job. Congratulations to today’s winner, Jordan Allis from Flint.
A new survey finds that the average pet owner spends about $25 each year on this. What is it?
A Halloween costume for their pet. Congratulations to today’s winner, Jill Tanyi from Burton.
According to a survey of women, 30% say they have no desire whatsoever to do this during the fall and winter. What is it?
Paint their toenails. Congratulations to today's winner, Keri Kehler from Clio.
According to a survey of office workers, about half say this is the most inconsiderate thing their coworkers do. What is it?
Take the last cup of coffee and without making more. Congratulations to today's winner, Nick Stevens from Flint.
It's estimated that 72% of us will do this in the car this afternoon. (It's not a good thing.) What is it?
Tailgate. Congratulations to today's winner, Dawn McClure from Genesee County.