Private Investigator Claims Whitney Houston Was Murdered, Finds Lost City of Atlantis
Stop us if you've heard this one before: Paul Huebl, a “top Hollywood private investigator,” has video evidence that Whitney Houston was murdered and has given all his findings to the FBI. And, of course, the National Enquirer.
Huebl claims to “have evidence that points to Whitney being a victim of a high powered drug dealers who sent thugs to collect a huge debt she owed for drugs.”
At least this is what he told the Enquirer -- which everyone knows is totally where you go when you want a fair and unbiased news source to publish your story. Or when you want people to not believe your story at all.
The private investigator gained his evidence through his highly trustworthy network of drug informants and by info gleaned from the coroner's report. His findings revealed two unidentified men who repeatedly showed up at the Beverly Hilton where Houston was staying -- and those two guys were possibly her killers.
Whitney allegedly received a cocaine delivery the day before her death, and she was overheard by Jesus the son of God saying, “I’m tired of this sh--.” According to the PI, her drug debt had reached $1.5 million, yet she didn't cancel her regular deliveries.
And since dead customers always pay in full, Huebl alleges that the two shady dudes snuck into her hotel room during a 45-minute interval when she was alone and killed her -- events that were caught on camera. A camera that the detectives somehow managed to miss.
Despite the coroner's report showing no foul play, Huebl claims Whitney’s body showed "classic defense wounds that would have occurred while she was battling for her life.”
Then he hopped on his unicorn and rode into the sunset.