Water Donations from Companies Continue to Stream into Flint
The cavalry is riding into Flint with massive donations of emergency water from various companies.
It's just amazing to see all this help and support coming in from all over to help Flint with the water crisis. Here are a few bigger donations that will be heading our way:
- According to Anheuser-Busch, the Georgia location of brew operations will be sending is a truckload of 51,744 cans of emergency drinking water into the Eastern Michigan Food Bank.
- Walmart, Coca-Cola, Nestlé and PepsiCo will collectively donate water into Flint Community Schools for the balance of the calendar year. That translates to 176 truckloads, or up to 6.5 million bottles of water.
- Celebrity backed AQUAhydrate, have joined the efforts in supplying clean water to the people of Flint, by setting up to donate one million bottles.
Now, I understand that some would say that water bottle donations are just a 'band-aid' to a much bigger problem. And they are right, but it is wonderful to see that a lot of companies and people are stepping into help Flint, even if it is a 'band-aid'.