University of Michigan Flint Reports Two More Cases of COVID-19 on Campus

A second and third case of coronavirus have been reported on the Univerisity of Michigan's Flint campus.
In emails to students, Vice-Chancellor Mike Hague confirmed that two members of the UM-Flint community tested positive, but due to privacy regulations was not able to specify whether it's a student or staff member.
- The individual was last on campus on September 4, 2020 in the Murchie Science Building. The individual was tested for the COVID-19 virus on September 13, and received the results today, September 15. In deference to the individual affected and their privacy rights, we will not release their name.
- The second individual was last on campus on September 11 in the Campus Bookstore. The individual was tested for the COVID-19 virus on September 15 and received same-day notification of a positive case.
The bookstore has since been closed as a precautionary measure.
Hague goes on to say that the cases have been reported to the Genesee County Health Department and that contract tracing protocols will be initiated. Anyone determined to be within six feet of the individuals who tested positive will be contacted.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services began reporting the number of COVID-19 cases in K-12 schools and universities in Michigan on Monday. We've provided a link to that information here. This data is updated weekly, usually on Monday afternoons.
As of now, no coronavirus cases have been reported by K-12 schools in Genesee County.
The first case of COVID-19 on the University of Michigan Flint campus was reported within 24 hours after in-person learning resumed on August 31.
Hague's email went on to remind students to follow practices that mitigate the spread of coronavirus. These tips serve as another reminder for all of us.
- Wearing face coverings
- Frequent hand washing
- Maintaining at least 6 feet physical distance from others
- Avoid large gatherings
- Stay home if you have symptoms, are ill or have been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19
SEE MORE: Seven Things You Should Add to Your Michigan Fall Bucket List
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