Traveling Cat Circus Has Saved Over 200 Strays – The Good News [VIDEO]
Like we need an excuse to watch a cat circus anyways.
The Amazing Acro-Cats (did you say it in your head like an announcer? I did!) are a team of felines that play musical instruments, ride skateboards, etc. Samantha Martin founded the group in 2009, and while she was looking for a kitten to train, she ended up at a high-kill shelter in Chicago. She was so touched by the experience that she ended up taking 12 kittens home that day and fostered them until she could find suitable homes for them.
Aside from the cats that are part of her show, she has fostered over 200 cats that end up living on the tour bus. Some of them have become performers as well. They partner with rescues all over the country and donate a portion of the proceeds from their show to them.
Martin says that a lot of these cats are surrendered because of behavioral problems, which usually results from them being bored - enter the cat circus.
We just wanna know when it's coming to Flint, and how we can get tickets!