Most of us like to think our dog pets are all friendly and loyal. We end up treating them like family members for the most part, with them receiving special treatment. With that loyalty also comes the instinct of protecting their territory which includes the people they love.
Some bark, some growl, some even attack would-be threats. In fact, some dog breeds are truly vicious and dangerous without exception. They have a higher tendency of exhibiting aggressive behavior. Hence, the reason they tend to attack and bite more often than other breeds.
Statistically, Michigan is one of the Top 10 states with the most dog bites. Now, we're not trying to deter you from owning these breeds, we are just trying to educate owners and other people about the possible dangers of interacting with unfamiliar dogs. Which breeds in Michigan are the most vicious and dangerous?

Dog laws here in Michigan define a dangerous animal as one that attacks or bites a person causing serious injury/death while under control of the owner or on the property of said owner. If someone trespasses onto your property or torments/provokes the animal, then it's not considered "dangerous!" One more exception is if the dog reacts in a manner that would protect the owner or person if someone is being assaulted or is engaging in unlawful activity.
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