In recent years, health advocacy groups have recommended walking a minimum of 10,000 steps a day to stay fit.
And although all that pavement-pounding does help keep your weight down, researchers have found it doesn’t make people stronger or improve their balance and agility.
YouTubeIs your old dog in need of some new tricks?
If so, you’ll want to check out the amazingly adorable Harley, who has discovered an incredible way to, you know, do his business.
In the video after the jump, Harley is filmed going “tee-tee” outside in the grass — a huge accomplishment for any dog owner. The trick is, he proceeds to walk on his front paws as he does it.
Check it out now, courtes
Just 30 minutes of walking per day. That's what the American Heart Association hopes to get Americans to do to dramtically reduce their risk of heart disease. Can't do 30 minutes at one time? Good news!