Walmart’s Non-Melting Great Value Ice Cream Sandwiches Myth: Busted! [PHOTOS]
I felt like a Mythbuster last week after news broke about WalMart's Ice Cream that didn't melt. A mother in the Cincinnati area claimed that her son left a Great Value brand ice cream sandwich on an 80 degree day, and after being in the sun for 8 hours, it didn't melt.
Disgusted, intrigued and curious, I decided to get a package of these treats that defy the laws of science. I also thought I could get back at George McIntyre for making me eat Brussels sprouts by making him eat a sun-baked, non-melted ice cream sandwich. After all, like Mikey from the Life cereal commercials, he'll eat anything.
The only problem was after checking on the frozen snack after just a few hours in the sun on a 78 degree day, it had completely melted. I had purchased the regular sandwiches, so I tried again with the low fat variety. This time I just left it on my counter inside where the temperature was around 68, and there was no sunshine. All it took was 15 minutes before we had a creamy gooey mess.
So I decided against forcing George to eat the slop because I have a fairly weak stomach, and would have probably gotten sick watching him devour the mess. So what should I make George eat for $20? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.