Of course the boss is claiming he treats his employees well, and doesn't understand why this happened. But he will press charges against his former employee.
I felt like a Mythbuster last week after news broke about WalMart's Ice Cream that didn't melt. A mother in the Cincinnati area claimed that her son left a Great Value brand ice cream sandwich on an 80 degree day, and after being in the sun for 8 hours, it didn't melt...
We've all been dumped at some time or another, but have you ever gotten revenge on an ex? One dentist in Portland was dumped by her boyfriend so she got her revenge by pulling out all of his teeth.
One of the new TV shows I'm obsessed with is "Revenge" on ABC. When I first saw the fall previews I thought it was going to be a stupid show, but I was wrong. It's based in the Hamptons where one girl plans on getting revenge on all the people that ruined her father.
Every week you never know what to expect and it keeps getting better and better. My friends and I actually discuss the s
Another angry woman has cut off her husband's manhood with scissors to get back at him for cheating on her. A woman in Taiwan was so fed up that she threw the remains in a river and says she has no regrets for her actions, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.