Michigan Judge Found Dead in Florida, Son Suspected of Murder [VIDEO]
A former district judge for Macomb County has been found dead on a Florida golf course and his son is suspected of his murder.
The body of James "Skip" Scandirito was found on an abandoned golf course in Boca Raton, Florida on April 4th. His son, James "Jimmy" Scandirito reported him missing three days prior to that. The video below from WXYZ in Detroit contains audio from the 911 call when Scandirito was reported missing.
Police then discovered numerous inconsistencies in his son's story and discovered that the son had purchased a hand truck, duct tape, garbage bags, and cleaning supplies -- items they believe the son used in his father's murder.
Scandirito Sr. resigned from the bench in Michigan nearly 20 years ago when it was discovered that he'd granted leniency to several women in exchange for sexual favors. After moving to Florida, he was fired from his job with the Florida Department of Children and Families when the agency learned of the allegations he faced in Michigan.