Michigan Health Officials Warn Against Using Bamboo Brand Hand Sanitizer
Michigan health officials are pulling Bamboo brand hand sanitizers from store shelves after it was found to have false claims.
Hand sanitizer has been a hot commodity during the pandemic, which has lead to a boom in new products on store shelves. The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development ordered that Bamboo brand hand sanitizer be pulled from store shelves immediately. The order came after it was found that the brand claimed to have 75% alcohol, but actually had less than 60%.

In the press release, the director at MDARD talked about how important it is right now to make sure hand sanitizers do what they claim they do.
Working to ensure that Michiganders are getting what they pay for is a hallmark of consumer protection. It’s especially vital right now for MDARD to be conducting marketplace sampling of hand sanitizers
If you've already purchased some of this hand sanitizer, it's probably best to toss it in the garbage.
I am glad that we have someone looking out for stuff like this. I know I'm guilty of just grabbing whatever sanitizer is available, and I rarely look at the labels.
The one thing that I still don't understand about hand sanitizer is the strong smell of Tequila that some have. I know it's an alcohol based product, but as far as I know, that alcohol isn't tequila. I realize that this is not a pressing issue or anything, but anyone that has had a rough night because of tequila will tell you that just the smell is enough to turn your stomach a little.
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