Ice Cream Cycle Guy Teaches Kids How To Pay It Forward – The Good News [VIDEO]
He gives free ice cream to kids in low-income neighborhoods, in exchange for a thank-you note.
His name is James, the Ice Cream Cycle Dude. He started selling ice cream in Buffalo, New York, and he noticed that a lot of underprivileged kids didn't have the $1 to pay. So, he started a "pay it forward" campaign, where people can donate to the kids. You can donate HERE.
When the kids receive the ice cream, they send out a "thank you" post card to one of the people who donated. He says on his Facebook page, "Between the postcard printing costs, postage, labor, etc this is not something I'm doing to make money. Rather I just think it's something that just makes all of us feel good."
He now has EIGHT people working for him. I don't know why this story touches me so much, but it does. Is somebody cutting onions in here?