GRPD Went Undercover & Busted People for Distracted Driving
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month and during the week of April 11th there was a nationwide "crackdown" on those involved in distracted driving.
The Grand Rapids Police Department posted on their Facebook page that they went undercover on that day by having officers in unmarked cars as "spotters". Nearby was a uniformed cop in a cruiser. In total 17 people were stopped for engaging in distracted driving behaviors and five were given citations for texting & driving. Police say because Michigan isn't a hands-free state, writing tickets isn't that easy.
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 19 states (including D.C.) are hands-free, meaning it's illegal for anyone to hold a cell phone in their hands while driving. Every U.S. state, except Montana, bans texting & driving.