Flint’s North Side Takes Big Steps for Locally Owned Grocery Store
The area will not longer be referred to as a 'food desert" after this grocery store is in operation.
According to a Mlive article, Flint's North Side, the 2300 block of West Pierson Road, to be exact, will be the very likely home of North Flint Food Market. The food co-op is waiting for Federal grants to be green-lighted to start the demolition of two buildings in order to get the grocery store up and running.
Construction should start in September and could take up to 6-8 months to complete. The co-op will yield up to 60 jobs in the area. If you are interested in this project, you are invited to attend the next meeting on June 26th at 6 p.m. at Eagles Nest Academy, 5005 Cloverlawn Drive.
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