Despite Prom Being Canceled, Davison HS Students Dressed Up Anyway
Even if you can't have a prom, you can have pictures.
It's hard for any of us adults to imagine life without the milestones that we experienced as kids - 5th-grade graduation, 8th-grade graduation, homecoming, prom, and finally, high school graduation.
I remember ALL of these events as clear as day, down to the outfit that I wore. I remember my dad crying at my 8th-grade graduation. I remember the black velvet 1997-tastic dress that I wore to my freshman homecoming, how I had dyed my hair back to its natural color for my junior prom and the fedora that my boyfriend wore to our senior prom.
2020 is different for ALL of us, but it's important to remember that the above milestones aren't happening for millions of kids around the country and the world.
The least that we can do for them is to acknowledge their feelings and disappointment instead of passing it off as a "learning experience" and to make those milestones happen however we can.
Parents of Davison High School students are trying to arrange a prom later this year for the students; their prom was supposed to take place this past Saturday, May 9th. So, for the time being, students got dressed up and took pictures and added them all to a Facebook group.
Talk about making lemonade out of lemons! So great to see these kids smiling. Enjoy the photos and thanks to everybody who shared with us!

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