The two employees are natural gas field workers and are being commended for their life-saving efforts.

Ace Castle from Standish and Charles Hale from Alpena were working in the Flint area on Dort Highway when they noticed something in the middle of the road - initially, they thought it was an animal. They then realized that it was a man, laying in between the lanes of traffic.

via Consumers Energy
via Consumers Energy

They pulled over and turned on their lights to block the man from being hit and called 911. While they were waiting for paramedics, they grabbed a First Aid kit and an oxygen mask. It appeared that the man was having a seizure.

They placed a tarp under the man's head to protect it until paramedics arrived. The men are credited with saving this stranger's life.

“The ‘above and beyond’ actions of Charles and Ace exemplify the caring professionalism we want all our employees to embrace, and we are extremely proud of them. At Consumers Energy safety is always our top priority,” said Michael Romein, who is the executive manager of the Enhanced Infrastructure Replacement Program.

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