Check Out These Crazy Michigan Google Maps Images – One is Nearby
Sometimes the internet can send you down a crazy rabbit hole. This Facebook post made by Joseph Baldiga on the Michigan History page had me scouring Google maps.
The original poster noted that he spotted something interesting after traveling near Vassar.
"I was on the road today going west from Vassar. When I got home I went to my Maps program and retraced my trip using the satellite view. As I zoomed in as far as it would let me following the same route I had taken, I found something quite amusing."
He went on to say that if you type in "12681 Holland Rd. in Frankenmuth, you'll see a smiley face and a peace sign.
Sure enough, here it is.
12681 Holland Rd., Frankenmuth
Of course, this led to a string of comments, one of which revealed an interesting find in Ossineke Township, up near Hubbard Lake Michigan.
From Roy Wekwert: "Type in M-65 sth and Andor Rd look east the guy planted his pines to look like marijuana leaf years ago."
Roy was right on the money.
M-65 & Andor, Ossinede Township
Unfortunately, another commenter sent me down a rabbit hole which turned out to be a dead end.
From Charlie Coburn: "My friend lives on Lennon road between Seymour and Morrish in Swartz creek. He keeps a huge peace sign mowed in his front yard. Apple maps caught him mowing it!"
Sorry, Charlie, I scoured Google Maps for this one because it's only a few miles from my house. But no luck.
Let us know if you see any other interesting finds on Google Maps. We'd love to highlight it.