Burton Girl Donates Christmas $$ To Grand Blanc PD – The Good News
Our kid bought a TV for his room, so maybe we should take some pointers from this little girl's parents.
7-year-old Janelle Reitz got $300 from her grandpa for Christmas. And instead of buying a TV for herself, like our son did (we're gonna blame it on a hot case of pre-teen), she decided to donate it to the Grand Blanc Police Department. She loves police officers; she's dressed as one for Halloween for three years.
Not only that, but she had a specific use for the money in mind - she loves dogs, so she decided to give it to the K-9 unit. She got to meet Jimi and even played tug-of-war with him for a while.
It was her grandpa's intent for her to use the money to give back to the community - her sister gave her own Christmas money to Lapeer County Animal Control.
I need some parenting lessons, obviously. Nice job, Janelle!
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