Bird Lovers Flock to Michigan for a Glimpse at Rare Pink Bird
A confused, pink bird has made its way to Michigan and bird lovers flocked to get a look.
A 'roseate spoonbill' that typically lives in the Gulf Coast region of the United States was spotted in Saline's Koch Warner Drain. Saline is just a few miles southwest of Ann Arbor along US 12.

The appearance of the rare pink bird here in Michigan is reported to be a first. One couple tells Fox 17 that they traveled about 200 miles from Fairmount, Indiana, just to get a glimpse of the creature.
“We’re going home happy campers," Sally Most tells the TV station.
Is This Bird Confused?
The Saline Police Department posted several pictures of the bird on its Facebook page. Biologists with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources tell them that the bird either escaped from a zoo or was 'very confused.'
But several commenters who chimed in on the PD's Facebook post noted that zoos typically clip their birds' wings in order to keep them from flying away.
Traffic, Traffic, Traffic
The excitement of the bird's appearance caused a bit of a traffic snarl as bird lovers made their way into town, so the police department took the opportunity to put in a plug for the city's many attractions.
"We hear word is spreading fast amongst the bird watching community. We hope you feel welcome here and encourage you to visit our Saline Farmers Market and beautiful Saline Main Street retail shops, restaurants and coffee shops while you are here. #HappyBirding"
Take a look at the pics in the Saline PD's Facebook post.
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