American Idol – Wrong Again!
I really have to say it out loud....REALLY, AMERICA? I just cannot believe that Lauren is in the finals on American Idol! Now, I did have a feeling that Haley would go home even though I did vote 125 times for her. But, I was really hoping it would be Lauren packing her bags. American Idol has been a real challenge for me this season. The only thing I correctly predicted is that Scotty would be in the finale. Just to recap the season...judges were very soft and weak, and used their one and only save the first chance they had - and saved Casey. Really? Then Pia was voted off and Lauren made it through week after week. Now, the only conciliation for me will be Scotty will win and Lauren will finally go home...bless her heart. So, commentary aside...will Scotty be the next American Idol?