Would You Like to Go Wrapped in Bacon?
If you are bacon-crazy, you're probably already familiar with J & D Foods. They are the geniuses that brought the world products like Baconnaise, bacon flavored lip balm (I have some of this), and bacon flavored lubricant (not going there!). Jason and Dave (J & D) have now come out with the ultimate product for people "Who love bacon to death." Literally.
Introducing J & D's Bacon Coffin. For those who loved bacon to death, you can now leave this world wrapped in bacon. Bacon Coffins are finished with a bacon and pork shading and gold stationary handles. It retails for $2,999.95 plus shipping and handling at www.baconcoffins.com
If you are interested in J & D Foods other bacon-flavored products, visit: www.jdfoods.net