Workday 108 Trivia for the Week of March 21, 2022
All of our winners this week get a pair of tickets to the Flint Home and Garden Expo at the Dort, courtesy of Flint Carpet.
According to a survey of adults, 31% of us admit that we sometimes do this when we're home alone. What is it?
Talk to ourselves. Congratulations to today's winner, Bob Damer, from Vanderbilt.
According to experts, if you're single you do this about twice as much as people who are in a relationship. What?
Text. Congratulations to today's winner, Brittney from Flint.
About 89% of us have this in our houses right now - but only about one-third of us use it on a regular basis. What is it?
Floss. Congratulations to today's winner, Debbie Porter from Frankenmuth.
According to a survey, 96% of us say we don't have patience for doing this. What?
Listening to voicemail. Congratulations to today's winner, Melinda Roldan from Davison.