Brace Yourself for Increased Stamp Prices & Longer Delivery TimesBrace Yourself for Increased Stamp Prices & Longer Delivery TimesIf you still rely on the U.S. Postal Service for those cards and letters, it will cost you more and take longer.Lisa MarieLisa Marie
Grand Rapids Mail Carrier's Special Bond with Dog - The Good NewsGrand Rapids Mail Carrier's Special Bond with Dog - The Good NewsWell isn't this the cutest thing we've ever freakin' seen!AJAJ
Here Are Your 2019 Christmas Shipping DeadlinesHere Are Your 2019 Christmas Shipping DeadlinesIf you've been waiting, you're running out of time. AJAJ
Michigan Mail Carrier Gives Kidney to a Stranger - The Good NewsMichigan Mail Carrier Gives Kidney to a Stranger - The Good NewsNeither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night...nor a kidney. Literally. PatPat
Lansing Postal Worker Accused of Hoarding, Burning Residents’ MailLansing Postal Worker Accused of Hoarding, Burning Residents’ MailSo you're saying I can blame all of my late credit card payments on this guy? PatPat
Postal Worker Saves Christmas Packages from Fire [VIDEO]Postal Worker Saves Christmas Packages from Fire [VIDEO]A postal truck in Wake Forest, North Carolina went up in flames last week while on its route.PatPat
Need a Jobby Job? USPS Hiring 35K Employees for HolidaysNeed a Jobby Job? USPS Hiring 35K Employees for HolidaysThat's about 10,000 more people than they hired in 2015.AJAJ
USPS to Deliver Mail on Sundays During The Holidays [PHOTO]USPS to Deliver Mail on Sundays During The Holidays [PHOTO]How weird would it be to get your mail...on SUNDAYS?!PatPat