91-Year-Old is Oldest Working Nurse in the Country – The Good News [VIDEO]91-Year-Old is Oldest Working Nurse in the Country – The Good News [VIDEO]She says it gives her something to "get up for" in the morning.AJAJ
This is the Opposite of Helium — NBC’s Lester Holt Sounds Like Darth Vader [VIDEO]This is the Opposite of Helium — NBC’s Lester Holt Sounds Like Darth Vader [VIDEO]NBC's Lester Holt got to sound like Darth Vader for a moment, as he sucked in the contents of a balloon. George McIntyreGeorge McIntyre
Lester Holt Takes Over After Brian Williams Admits to LyingLester Holt Takes Over After Brian Williams Admits to LyingNBC News has not confirmed that Lester Holt is "trying out" for the position, but there are rumors that Brian Williams will not be returning to the newscast.AJAJ