Saginaw Rapper Starts Scholarship Aimed At Helping Arthur Hill Students
Corey "Dollaz" Davis is in Las Vegas right now working on his music career, but he is focused on helping students at his former school, Saginaw Arthur Hill.
Corey Dollaz went to Arthur Hill and admits that his own struggles in school are a big part of the reason he has decided to start this scholarship. Corey has always wanted to make it big with his music, but he's never forgotten where he came from. Corey has always tied his success with his ability to help out others in his hometown.
Corey announced BDR Academic Scholarship last week on his Facebook page. The scholarship will be given out to, "Help a disenfranchised student that's still pushing through." Corey has always drawn from his personal experiences for motivation, and this scholarship is no different.
Along with his desire to make sure students at Arthur Hill are given a chance to get some help for college, there were other motivators. I talked to Corey about a trend in Hip Hop recently that also pushed him toward starting the scholarship.
I seen a lot of the Detroit Rappers doing a “100K Challenge“ where they would upload a lot of money and it made me think how can I change the narrative to doing something that’s really meaningful. So I decided to challenge the rappers to do something positive with their money and I did it first by giving back to my old school.
This is what it's all about in my book!
Corey is obviously dedicated to his craft, but his determination to make a difference for kids walking the same halls he use to walk is bigger than any career. Thank you Corey for being staying true to your word, and setting an example for others to follow.
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