‘Movies Under the Stars’ at The Whiting in Flint This Friday
Looking for something safe to do with the kiddos this weekend?
We're all about socially-distant activities and, as we've seen in the last few months, going to the drive-in is one of them. And this Friday marks the first Movies Under The Stars at the Whiting in Flint.
And this year, it's a drive-in.
Movies Under the Stars Drive-In Edition will premiere on Friday, August 21 at The Whiting Auditorium Parking Lot located 1241 E Kearsley St, Flint, MI 48503. This year, in light of COVID-19 we will offer a modified version of this wonderful family event.
This event will feature food and in car activities for families to play as well as special treats during the evening. The gates will open at 8:00pm and the film starts at dusk. Due to the State of Michigan COVID guidelines tickets will be required for each vehicle. All guests are asked to remain in their vehicles and to wear masks and practice social distancing if they exit. Each registered vehicle will receive a snack bag and pizza for the guests. The experience is free; however, donations are encouraged.
If you'd like to attend, you can pre-register HERE.
Is it just me, or is anybody else absolutely LOVING the resurgence of drive-in theatres right now? Granted, they don't totally take the place of movie theaters but, for now, it's the best we can do.
There's actually a lot to do in Flint this summer, pandemic or not. And as somebody who has attended one of the previous Movies Under The Stars, I like the fact that we won't get eaten alive by mosquitoes if we're in our cars.

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