A Detroit-area heating and cooling company has filed a lawsuit against one of its customers for leaving a negative review on Yelp.

Well, one of its former customers.

Lisa Agostino claims that she was the victim of price gouging when North Wind Heating and Air Conditioning of Macomb County repaired her air conditioner. She says they sold her a capacitor that was necessary to fix the unit and then she was able to find the same part at a local Lowe's store for a significantly lower price.

She wrote a scathing review, outlining her side of the story on Yelp.

Clarence Dass

The company has filed a lawsuit against Agostino, claiming she published false and defamatory statements.

Agostino's attorney, Clarence Dass, stands behind his client's right to post a negative review.

"I thought it was a complete abuse of the court system because people have a first amendment right to express their views on the internet as long as it doesn't incite violence and that's the last thing she was trying to do," he said.

North Wind is seeking $25,000 in damages, claiming the review costs them five or six customers per day.

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