Local Campgrounds and Parks Packed for Holiday Weekend, We Are “Up North” to Many
While many of us will hit the highway this weekend to head somewhere north of Flint, to a lot of folks, this is "Up North."
Don't believe it? Ask anybody who operates a campground in this area. Most are filled to capacity for the holiday weekend, and anticipate a busy summer season.
Most people tend to forget that we are blessed with an abundance of lakes and rivers right here in Genesee County. Within a 30 minute drive from Flint there are many more. For people coming from the large population centers near Detroit, this is "Up North."
7 Lakes State Park in Groveland Township is filled for the weekend, but offers most things that we often travel great distances to enjoy. http://www.michigandnr.com/parksandtrails/details.aspx?id=492&type=SPRK
Outdoor Adventures of Davison Township is also packed for the holiday weekend. Check them out at www.outdooradventuresinc.com
Wolverine Campground in Columbiaville on Holloway Reservoir is also filled for the holiday weekend, but offers a great outdoor experience close to home. Wolverine Campground and Holloway Reservoir are part of the Genesee County Parks system, you can get details on all of their parks by visiting www.geneseecountyparks.org
The price of gas is a little lower than at this time last year, but more and more people are discovering that there are plenty of places to get outside and play right in our own backyard. We are "Up North" to a lot of people. We should continue to embrace that.