Grand Blanc Offers Adopt a Senior Program for Class of 2020
The Class of 2020 missing out on their moment in the spotlight amid the COVID-19 pandemic. They have lost out on all the rights of passage that go along with a normal senior year, from proms to graduations. One local student has made it her mission to make sure the seniors at Grand Blanc feel special and celebrated.
Rylie Dewley, a sophomore and majorette at Grand Blanc High School, discovered an amazing way to show her fellow students just how special they were. She reached out to Grand Blanc High School principal Michael Fray for the go ahead and then put her plan into action.
She created the Facebook page Grand Blanc Adopt a Senior as a way for the community to shower their seniors with some extra love. Parents submit a post of their senior along with a picture, a short bio including interest, future plans and special activities. Individuals can then "adopt" a senior that they can send letters, a card, gift, gift card, door dash, snack or anything to let them know that they are loved and being thought of.
"I had been wanting to do something special for our Seniors in Grand Blanc and just didn’t know what. I noticed how other schools in Genesee County had “Adopt-A-Senior” programs and I really liked the idea", Dewley said. So far the program has been incredibly successful with more seniors being added and adopted quickly each day.
Dewley knows the program won't make up for everything the Class of 2020 has lost, but she hopes it helps bring a smile to their faces. "I know that this time is stressful and scary, and it’s especially hard on our seniors who are having their final high school memories cut short."
If you have questions about adding your senior or adopting a senior from Grand Blanc High School you can visit the Facebook page or contact Rylie at ryliegbtwirler@gmail.com.

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