Flint’s MTA Encourages National Dump The Pump Day
Today, June 16, 2011, the Flint MTA, the American Public Transportation Association, and several public transportation systems across the United States are celebrating the 6th Annual National Dump the Pump Day.
Ed Benning, General Manager of the Flint MTA, says that even driving to one of their stations and taking the bus can save you up to $8,000 annually.
With the economy still unstable and the soaring gas prices, Americans are looking for a way to save money. National Dump the Pump Day encourages people to use public transportation instead of driving to save cash.
Riding public transit is the quickest way to beat high gas prices. The latest APTA Transit Savings Report shows that a two person household that downsizes to one car can save, on average, more than $10,000 a year.
From urban to suburban to rural communities, public transportation is a vital resource to Americans, and a cornerstone of our nation’s economy. Relying on transit for daily mobility needs, Americans use local public transportation systems to commute to and from work, to travel to school and the doctor’s office, to go shopping, and to visit with family and friends. Public transportation use reduces our nation’s dependence on foreign oil by 4.2 billion gallons of gasoline a year and it also saves 37 million metric tons of carbon emissions annually.
The Flint MTA is moving away from diesel fuel and the use of foreign oil. The MTA is purchasing propane vehicles which will cut fuel costs in half, and the savings will be passed on to the commuters. Ed Benning, MTA General Manager, says they are about to break ground on a hydrogen facility, an alternative fuel facility in Grand Blanc Township, and a
Last, but not least, public transportation has a proven track record of reducing congestion. The latest research shows that in 2009, U.S. public transportation use saved 785 million hours in travel time and 640 million gallons of fuel in 439 urban areas.
Check out the ABC12 interview with MTA General Manager, Ed Benning.
Get some free gas cards with Rod & Erin's Free Fuel Friday!
Get local gas prices from the Cars 108 Pump Patrol.
See the Flint MTA News page for details on the new General Manager and Dump the Pump Day.
Check out the National Dump The Pump page from the American Public Transportation Association.
On June 16, 2011 American Public Transportation Association (APTA) and public transportation systems across the country will celebrate the 6th Annual National Dump the Pump Day.
In these tough economic times with high gas prices, everyone is looking for a way to save money. National Dump the Pump Day encourages people to ride public transportation (instead of driving) and save money.
Riding public transit is the quickest way to beat high gas prices. The latest APTA Transit Savings Report shows that a two person household that downsizes to one car can save – on the average – more than $10,000 a year.
On June 16, 2011 American Public Transportation Association (APTA) and public transportation systems across the country will celebrate the 6th Annual National Dump the Pump Day.
In these tough economic times with high gas prices, everyone is looking for a way to save money. National Dump the Pump Day encourages people to ride public transportation (instead of driving) and save money.
Riding public transit is the quickest way to beat high gas prices. The latest APTA Transit Savings Report shows that a two person household that downsizes to one car can save – on the average – more than $10,000 a year.
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