Flint Town Hall: Three Years To Replace All of the Lead Lines in the City [VIDEO]
Protests erupted during last night's town hall meeting, and residents are NOT happy.
After the meeting at the regional EPA headquarters on Tuesday, hundreds of Flint residents showed up at a town hall meeting last night to discuss the findings of that meeting - which was NOT open to the press or the public.
Residents were told:
*to keep filtering their water
*that it will take three years to replace all of the lead lines in the city
*the money needed to replace those lines hasn't been secured yet
*the Flint Water Plant needs over $100 million in upgrades and won't be able to handle water from the new Karegnondi Water Authority until approximately 2020.
Officials tried to reassure residents that things are looking up, saying that recent water samples show 12 parts per billion, which is below the federal level of 15 ppb.
That didn't mean much to the affected residents in attendance, as tempers flared. Understandably, too.