Flint Police K9 Working his Last Day Today Before Retiring – The Good News
Thank you for your service. Good boy.
Get that man a gold watch...er, get that pup a gold bone: Edo, the first member of the Flint Police Department's K9 unit in many years is retiring.
He was brought to the Flint PD five years ago by Officer Boismier - the K9 unit is self-funded, so Officer Boismier was in charge of fundraising. Edo has found missing children, sniffed out suspects and located evidence.
The Facebook post from Flint Police reads:
Edo proved to be skilled at making connections with children in the community and was also awarded an Officer of the Year award in 2018. His handler, Ofc. Boismier has been instrumental in fundraising for the K9 Unit, which is self-funded. The Flint Police Department would like to thank Edo and his handler, Ofc. Boismier, for their dedicated service to our community. We wish you a long and enjoyable retirement Edo!
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