Flint Has 23 Employees on Four Teams, Filling Potholes Six Days Per Week
And you can help...by reporting areas that are in need of repair.
It's no joke this year. In fact, in our four years in Michigan, this has been the worst one for the roads yet. So, the city of Flint is on top of it - they've sent out 23 employees on four separate teams to begin filling potholes.
The teams are divided into three areas to start:
-- Carpenter Road to Robert T. Longway Boulevard from the west city limit to Saginaw Street.
-- Carpenter Road to Robert T. Longway Boulevard from Saginaw Street to the east city limits
-- Robert T. Longway Boulevard south to Hemphill Road, and all the way across the city.
Crews will start working on residential and side roads after the main roads are finished.
If you want to report a pothole that needs repair, call the Flint Street Maintenance Division at (810) 766-7343.
If you're outside of Flint, call the Genesee County Road Commission at 810-767-4920 or emailing potholes@gcrc.org.
We've already reported the potholes on Center Road by the radio station between Atherton and Bristol.